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The soft-tissue friendly

oral appliance for sleep apnea and snoring


In The News


The Rise of Nylon Oral Appliances

Jul 22, 2024 | Oral Appliances

In an article published by Sleep Review, the Slide founder and CEO, Kelly LeBlanc, DDS, DABDSM, DASBA, shared the following:
Slide2Sleep began exploring alternative materials and released a nylon version of the Slide in June 2023.  The nylon Slide offers extra strength and a slimmer profile over the acrylic Slide, making it suitable for heavy bruxers and patients with smaller mouths.

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The Slide Nylon is now available

The Slide Nylon is now available

The nylon version of the Slide oral appliance is now available.  This is an addition to the Slide’s unique product line of soft-tissue friendly devices for sleep apnea and snoring.

Two Materials: Nylon and Acrylic

Both ideal for treating the majority of sleep apnea and snoring conditions

the Slide® Nylon

Extra strength and a slimmer profile are delivered with the type 12 nylon, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), 3D printed version of the Slide. This is important for heavy bruxers, patients with smaller mouths, and those very sensitive to their appearance.
the Slide® Acrylic
The acrylic KeySplint Soft™ resin device is softer and can be relined. This is especially useful for patients having additional dental work done while treating their sleep apnea.

Dr. LeBlanc, the Slide inventor, is pleased to be able to add the Nylon version of the Slide to its product line of tissue-friendly oral sleep appliances for sleep apnea and snoring.

About the Slide®

The Slide is the soft-tissue friendly Oral Sleep Appliance for sleep apnea and snoring.

An FDA-cleared device, the Slide places all of the adjustable components over the biting surfaces of the teeth and away from all oral tissue, providing extraordinary comfort by design.

No lateral components are what make the difference.

No screws, nuts, hooks, dorsal fins, elastics, or multiple splint combinations.

the Slide Ordering Guide

Senior couple lying in bed on stomach and smiling at each other

The Slide is now billable to Medicare


The comfort and ease the Slide provides can now help Medicare patients and practices

The Slide is billable under the HCPCS code K1027 for oral device/appliance used to reduce upper airway collapsibility, without fixed mechanical hinge, custom fabricated, includes fitting and adjustment as maintained by CMS falls under Components, Accessories and Supplies.


For any questions contact us at:

The Slide® is an FDA cleared Oral Sleep Appliance used in the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring, as well as for people that cannot tolerate CPAP. The Slide places all of the adjustable components over the biting surfaces of the teeth, away from all the oral tissue, providing comfort by design. The Slide is the latest in oral sleep technology and a patent-pending device.