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The soft-tissue friendly

oral appliance for sleep apnea and snoring

For Dentists

Setting a New Standard in Comfort

No lateral components are what make the difference

An FDA-cleared oral sleep appliance, the Slide places the adjustable components over the biting surfaces of the teeth and away from all the oral tissue, providing comfort by design.

Senior couple lying in bed on stomach and smiling at each other

Two Versions.   Same Comfort Design.

The Slide’s unique product line of soft-tissue friendly devices for sleep apnea and snoring is available in two versions made from different materials, nylon and acrylic.  Both are ideal for treating the majority of sleep apnea and snoring conditions.

The Slide® Nylon


Extra strength and a slimmer profile

3D printed with  type 12 nylon.  This is important for heavy bruxers, patients with smaller mouths, and those very sensitive to their appearance.

The Slide® Acrylic

theSlide Closed

Softer and can be relined

The acrylic KeySplint Soft™ resin device is especially useful for patients having additional dental work done while treating their sleep apnea.

The Slide is the latest in oral sleep technology

The slide was invented by a dentist with sleep apnea who could not find a comfortable fit with existing devices.  It is the first attached bilateral interlocking device and is Medicare billable under the HCPCS code K1027.

Unprecedented ease of adjustment for the dentist, as well as natural range of motion for the patient are additional advantages provided by the Slide.

It’s time for Simply Better Sleep with the Slide.


How is the Slide different from other oral appliances?

The Slide places all of the adjustable components over the occlusal plane of the teeth, away from all  oral tissue. This provides maximum patient comfort and ease of adjustment.

  • There are no screws, nuts, hooks, dorsal fins, multiple splint combinations or elastics
  • No special tools or drivers are required
  • Spacers simply slide on and off to adjust the device to the correct amount of protrusion

Customer Close-Up

Sharing in-depth discussions with customers on important topics impacting the successful practice of dental sleep medicine.

Dr. Terry Gordon

“The success I have seen with my patients led me to choose the Slide to treat my own sleep apnea.”


Jay S

“The Slide is my #1 Choice.
Comfort is King.”


Dentist FAQs

Only the Slide places all of the adjustable components over the occlusal plane of the teeth, away from all the oral tissue. This provides maximum patient comfort and ease of adjustment.

The Slide device is adjustable up to an additional 8mm of protrusion from the original sleep apnea bite.

A minimum clearance of 5mm over the posterior teeth is required for
connector placement.

Both offer the same comfort design.  They are made with two different materials.

  • The Slide Nylon version provides extra strength and a slimmer profile.  It is made with type 12 nylon and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D printed.  This is important for heavy bruxers, patients with smaller mouths, and those very sensitive to their appearance.
  • The Slide Acrylic version is made with KeySplint Soft™ resin which is softer and can be relined.  This is especially useful for patients having additional dental work done while treating their sleep apnea.

Setup on the lab setting on your scanner for “Slide Sleep Technologies”.  Only the bite in the 40-50% protrusive is required and NOT a CO bite.  The device cannot be made with a CO bite only.  If sending PVS impressions, make certain to capture the distal of the most terminal tooth.

There is no need for any additional items to be added to the splints for retention. The resin is unique in the fact it can be heated for more or less retention.

Yes.  We custom fit the Slide OSA for your patient, but if minor adjustments are needed, a scalpel with a number #11 blade can be used to trim the device very effectively.  If an acrylic bur is used internally for any undercut, simply use the scalpel blade to trim off any nylon tags.  It can be polished with flour of pumice if needed.


Videos: the Slide

Videos: Using the Slide Posterior Bite Fork

Setting Up the Posterior Bite Fork

Digitally Scanning the Posterior Bite Fork Registration




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Brand Assets

The Slide® is an FDA cleared Oral Sleep Appliance used in the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring, as well as for people that cannot tolerate CPAP. The Slide places all of the adjustable components over the biting surfaces of the teeth, away from all the oral tissue, providing comfort by design. The Slide is the latest in oral sleep technology and a patent-pending device.